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Digital printing is four color process printing that does not have the cost and hassle of film, proofs, and plates. Digital Printing enables companies to produce high quality four color process printing in a fraction of the time required for conventional printing, and, in smaller quantities, at a fraction of the cost. Digital printing means "Print on Demand".
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Pittsburgh Sign Company

Carik Signs is a dedicated Company providing you with advanced and competitive four-color and digital printing solutions. Our core proficiencies lie in the prompt development, production and delivery.

We seek to help our clients using a combination of advanced digital printing technologies and expertise which results in cost-effective, streamlined and premium quality printed output. We have acquired experience and credibility that assures an unquestionable client satisfaction with regard to every printing project- from the design, printing, distribution.
We can provide you with a signage solution that will communicate your company’s message with top quality graphics. We offer a wide variety of products including posters, backlits, banners, slot toppers, fleet graphics, fabric signage, die-cut standees, wall murals, point-of-purchase signs, as well as, custom designed projects.

If you’re looking for a way to visually impact your customers, then look no further because Carik Signs has the solution for you. © 2009Design: SB Marketing